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2021, what can I say? You sure were an interesting ride. You came out hot, with a lot of promise. But the truth is you just never really settled into all I had hoped for. If we’re being honest, 2021, you kind of wore me out. While I’m ready for 2022, I’m not getting the thrill and excitement I typically feel when facing down a new ride—er—year.

Anyone else feeling like this too?

One of the greatest lessons in riding is that you show up and ride what you have THAT DAY. Horses force us into the present moment better than any mindfulness app. They demand we show up to their reality. We may have all sorts of ideas and plans for our time with them but, ultimately, they will decide what’s on the agenda. What happened yesterday is done—for better or for worse. And what will happen is yet to unfold.

Riding horses is a constant reminder to be flexible, go with the flow and stay present with today’s challenges. What worked yesterday may not work today. And we always have to think creatively about how to get the task accomplished—whether that means trying something new, questioning ourselves, or getting uncomfortable.

Talk about a metaphor.

2021 taught me a few things in life and riding. Maybe you can take some of these with you as you ride into the new year.

More is not better, it’s just more.

When things are not going as planned, sometimes you have to take a step back. While the tendency (at least my tendency!) is just to press the gas and keep going forward, that’s not always the smartest plan. I don’t actually believe there are wrong decisions in life (aside from the obvious) but there are decisions that bring us closer to our goals. Decisions that get us there faster and with less suffering. I like those decisions. But I often don’t choose those decisions. Because I can be a little stubborn. So I’ll be working on that in 2022.

Don’t overthink it.

I’m a chronic ruminator. I waste valuable time caught up in the cycle of over-thinking, worrying and self-doubting. But sometimes people have to get out of their heads and into their gut. (It’s me — I’m “people.”) Sometimes we need to just go for it! Whether running cross country or your own business, you can’t control it all. At some point you have to trust yourself and your partner and take the leap!

Stay connected and balanced.

These times are challenging and there is no doubt about it. Staying connected to the things that bring you joy and make you come alive is so critical. Life is shorter than you think. The reason we’re here is to be with the people and animals we love and to make their lives just a little bit better. That’s what truly gives our lives meaning and fulfillment. I know I feel best when I’m partaking from that buffet versus bingeing on the buffet of grinding, burn-out and overwhelm (yuck).

So here we are, at the beginning of a fresh new year. However 2021 turned out for you, it’s over now. Before us, we have a new year full of hope and promise. I am grateful for the opportunity to start anew. To take the lessons from the past and apply them to the future. To spend more time doing the things I love with the people and horses I love. So cheers to a new start and more badassery in 2022!

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