Fun Facts

If you’ve been a subscriber for a minute, you know I tend to share some pretty deep, introspective thoughts in these newsletters. And that’s because it genuinely matters to me that people know who they’re buying from. But it’s summer, you know? So let’s lighten things up a bit! 

Today I’m doing it a little differently. Get ready because you’re about to learn some fun facts about yours truly. Sure, it’s not the deepest dive but I hope it brightens your day a little bit.
My undergraduate degree is in psychology. Until I was around 25, I thought I wanted to go to graduate school to become a clinical psychologist. Understanding the human condition has always been deeply interesting to me and, who knows…my encore (encore) career might include a trip back to grad school! 
The last book I read was Lighter by Yung Pueblo.I’m currently lost in the realm of time and space, re-reading A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle. Who says we can’t go back to our childhood favorites?
My favorite thing to do is…unsurprising. Horses, Duh. But if I’m not horsing around, I can be found hanging out with my dogs, building things, running the streets of Atlanta, cooking, organizing and spending time with my wife.
My first concert was Elton John.
I have a travel bucket list.If I could jet-set tomorrow (let’s pretend mortgages, board bills and horses–in general–are not a thing), I’d point my compass towards the Galapagos Islands, Greece, or Ireland. Literal dream destinations.
Yes, I have some guilty pleasure TV shows. In addition to “Ted Lasso” (which seemingly everyone loves), I also have a penchant for what we’ll call “relationship dramas.” Yep, shows like “The Bachelor/Bachelorette,” “The Ultimatum,” “Marrying a Millionaire,” and the like. I guess that psychology degree didn’t go to waste after all!
I could devour pizza every day for the rest of my life. But then again, I’m torn between the perfect slice, a tasty taco and a platter of delicious Indian food. I mean, who can really choose?
The one item I can’t live without. It’s not as poetic as a locket or profound as a family heirloom. Because let’s be real: anti-anxiety medication is a lifesaver.
I have multiple favorite cocktails. Ok, since it’s summer, my favorite is a salt-rimmed margarita. Hands down. But when the leaves start to change, I’m all about the Paper Plane (if you haven’t tried this bourbon concoction, it’s a game-changer). Winter is for Manhattans or Negronis. And in springtime? It’s Aperol Spritzes or anything with a grapefruit twist for me.
Let’s end on a spooky note.My greatest fear? It’s a bit of a heavy one: drowning. It’s a fear that’s been a constant companion, especially after hearing about the unfortunate souls who tragically lost their lives while exploring the Titanic recently.
 And there you have it. I hope this list of fun facts gave you a smile or sparked some curiosity. Now it’s your turn! Feel free to share some fun facts about you. Remember, we’re all on this long, strange journey together. 

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