Getting Older

As we get older, time truly does fly. It’s no joke…one minute you’re staying out until 3am, sleeping a couple hours and still managing to work a full day. The next thing you know, if it looks like a party will go past 8pm, you’re probably not going. But that’s just life—we change, we grow, we mature (hopefully) and we desire different experiences. 
The same is true for the life of a business. It’s sometimes strange to think about brands as things that have a lifespan. But literally all of them have a beginning, middle and end. In between the beginning and the end are ups and downs, struggles and successes, weird and awkward phases – and what we hope culminates in a confident self-awareness and secure identity. 
Here at Mare, we’re celebrating our 6th year in business this month, right alongside my own birthday! Fun fact: I launched on my birthday so I wouldn’t forget the date. (Also something we do as we get older…make sure we have tricks to remember important things).  
While I would love to say it’s been smooth sailing from day one–much like life–it has been a journey filled with highs and lows. But the one thing that keeps me focused and clear on where I’m going and why I’m going there is you all, my customers. 

Consider this my love letter to you!
It may seem like no big deal when you drop me an email thanking me for a story I’ve shared in one of my newsletters or when you show me your well-used Mindfilly Band and tell me how it reminds you to stay calm or be brave. Or when you literally LOL when you read my greeting cards – especially the trainer apology and horse apology cards. But it truly means the world to me. It’s the fuel that keeps me going and reminds me that I’m on the right path and I’m headed in the right direction
You see, this business is very personal to me. It’s hard work and it can be quite lonely when I’m on the road doing shows. Sometimes I wonder and worry if I’m on the right path. I don’t think this is unique to me…most anyone who owns a business probably feels a similar way. But the rewards are not just measured in how much our sales are. They’re in what we get back from creating something that brings a smile to your day. Or gives you the extra “oomf” you need to do scary things. Or maybe even helps you feel a little less alone in the world. It’s those intangible things that mean the most. They’re the proof I need that what I do matters.    
So, as we roll into our 7th year, I want to thank you with my whole heart for all of your support and love over the past several years. It means the world to me and I truly couldn’t do this without you!

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