MARE turns 7!

This month, Mare Goods celebrates 7 years in business. And – possibly for the first time in 7 years –  I feel like I’m finding my stride (in the jump arena, I still struggle with that). Maybe that means I’m a slow learner. But the thing about starting a business is that there is a LOT more to it than you might think. 

Sure, it looks easy. Just come up with some fun designs, apply them to objects people like to buy, put them on a website, then kick back and watch the cash roll in! But friends, I’m here to tell you that’s not really an accurate description of the entrepreneurial journey. In fact, it’s not even close. The truth is, like many things in life, when you’re jumping into something you’ve never done before, sometimes it’s better not to know everything. 

I tell people all the time, “If you like to feel excitement, abject terror, worry, joy, regret, and hope – all at the same time – start a business!” It’s like emotional gumbo…you get a little bit of everything, and sometimes a little heartburn, too. I guess in some ways, it’s also a bit like eventing, because I’m fairly certain I feel all of those emotions and more when I head out to cross country. 

All of that to say it’s incredibly gratifying – sometimes overwhelmingly so – to build something from the ground up. To make something from nothing and then share it with the world is truly an incredible experience. 

One of my favorite things about running this business is when I’m at a show and someone comes into my booth and says, “This booth always makes me SO happy.” Horses are a great source of joy, happiness and connection for me. And I’ve always wanted my products to activate those same feelings for my customers. So when I hear people say my products make them feel good, it’s as satisfying as an ice cold margarita on a blazing hot day. (Note: I say this as I go in and out of heat stroke here at the AECs in Kentucky!) 

So as I embark on Mare’s 7th year in business, I’m going in with a full heart. That is thanks to you, my friends, family and customers. And it’s also thanks to horses, who make us better humans simply by existing. 

And if there’s anyone out there who’s considering starting their own business, I’ll say this: if you have passion and a vision for something, you have to just do it. Know that it’s a long game and you’re going to have lots of ups and downs – probably even more than you think. But the reward is that if you’re lucky, you create something greater than yourself. Something that has the power to bring a positive message into the world, to make someone laugh or help someone to feel seen. And that, my friends, is an incredibly powerful thing.

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